| Direct: (312) 857–7483
| Email: [email protected]

Cortlyn Kelly,
Recruiting Coordinator
With an undergraduate degree from UW-La Crosse and a Master of Arts from the University of Chicago, Cortlyn was looking for a way to blend all of her interests into one. Throughout college she gravitated towards work that supported local, family-owned businesses and it was through these experiences that she developed a passion for helping people, and a desire to join the Peace Corps. She was accepted into the program and pursued this path until the pandemic hit and put a halt on travel.
Luckily for TLG, this change led her to our team, where she has combined her expertise of helping people and keeping us organized. She also keeps us updated on all things, food, film, fashion and literature related. When not working, you’ll find Cortlyn pursuing other goals, watching 365 films and reading 23 books…in one year.
Ask Cortlyn how to keep plants alive and happy.
A Few Favorite Snaps
Random Fun Facts About Cortlyn
First job: Babysitter/Nanny
Theme song: #Beautiful by Mariah Carey and Miguel
Childhood memory: Going on baseball tours with my family; 13/30 stadiums visited thus far
Favorite travel place: Panama or London – and Europe is on my list!
Favorite part of The Larko Group: Being with this company is being a part of a family – we genuinely care about one another and those who we work with.